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Neptune'southward Atmosphere: Limerick, Climate & Weather

The eighth and last planet in the solar organization, Neptune has an temper more comparable with Uranus than with Saturn and Jupiter. The two most distant planets boast atmospheres dominated past ices. But even with a chill in the air, Neptune still manages to host some of the virtually extreme and violent conditions in the solar system.

Neptune's Groovy Dark Spot, accompanied past white high-altitude clouds, as seen by a Voyager spacecraft. (Prototype credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Atmospheric limerick

Neptune'southward atmosphere is made upwardly predominately of hydrogen and helium, with some marsh gas. The marsh gas is role of what gives Neptune its vivid bluish tint, as it absorbs red lite and reflects bluer colors. Uranus also has marsh gas in its atmosphere, but has a duller shading. Something else must be contributing to Neptune's hue, but scientists aren't certain what.

The planet has ten to a hundred times more methane, ethane, and ethyne at its equator than it does at its poles. Like other gas giants, Neptune even so has much of the same atmosphere information technology captured at its formation.

Atmospheric composition by volume:

  • Molecular hydrogen: lxxx percent
  • Helium: 19 percent
  • Methane 1.five percent
  • Hydrogen Deuteride: 192 parts per million
  • Ethane: 1.5 parts per million

Ammonia water ice, water ice, ammonia hydrosulfide, and methane ice besides compose Neptune's atmosphere.

Layering the atmosphere

The atmosphere of Neptune is made up of ii master regions. Like the other three gas giants, the planet has no firm surface, and then scientists have established that the "surface" is where the force per unit area is equal to the pressure level establish at sea level on Earth.

Just above the surface lies the troposphere. As altitude increases, temperature in the troposphere decreases. Only in the next layer, the stratosphere, temperatures increase with distance. This is related to the motion inside of the planet'south cadre, which heats Neptune more than than the rays from the distant dominicus. The side by side layer is the thermosphere, where pressures are lower. The very outer border of the atmosphere is known as the exosphere.

Cloud patterns on Neptune

The clouds of Neptune vary with the distance. Cold temperatures allow methane clouds to condense in the highest layers of the temper. Scientists think that clouds made up of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide be at higher pressures. Farther down, clouds of hydrogen sulfide, ammonium sulfide, ammonia, and water could exist. Clouds of water-water ice may be found at pressures of 50 bars, with clouds of  hydrogen sulfide and ammonia beneath them.

The highest layers contain cirrus clouds fabricated upwardly of frozen marsh gas, which have been observed casting shadows on other clouds 35 miles (56 kilometers) below them.

Neptune also contains a haze at very high altitudes. These smog-like clouds are made up of hydrocarbons, much like smog over major cities on Earth.

Powerful storms

With winds of 1,305 miles per hour (2,100 km per hr), Neptune has some of the most extreme weather condition in the solar arrangement. These winds travel iii times as faster as those on Jupiter, and nine times faster every bit winds clocked on Earth.

Such winds bulldoze powerful storms. When Voyager ii observed the planet in 1989, information technology tracked a dark, oval storm that resembled Jupiter's Cracking Reddish Spot. The enormous weather blueprint was almost the size of Globe. However, while Jupiter'south famous feature has lasted for hundreds of years, Neptune'due south first observed spot had disappeared when imaged once more a few years afterwards. Instead, the planet seems to boast a similar anticyclonic storm, with winds traveling backwards in high-pressure systems, every few years. Clouds are generated at or just below the tropopause region, which lies betwixt the troposphere and the stratosphere.

Neptune's weather is driven in role by heating from within its core. The planet has a temperature similar to Uranus', despite existence half again every bit far from the sun, considering Uranus has some peculiarities with its internal heating that may be a result of a collision early on in its life.

— Nola Taylor Redd, Contributor


  • How Large is Neptune?
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  • What is Neptune's Temperature?
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  • How Was Neptune Formed?

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Nola Taylor Tillman

Nola Taylor Tillman is a contributing writer for She loves all things space and astronomy-related, and enjoys the opportunity to acquire more. She has a Bachelor'southward degree in English language and Astrophysics from Agnes Scott college and served every bit an intern at Sky & Telescope magazine. In her free time, she homeschools her four children. Follow her on Twitter at @NolaTRedd
